All kinds of pro­jects, such as music videos, movies, or pho­to­sho­ots, come to nothing when the arti­stic vision is ham­pe­red by too small a bud­get. We can’t solve all the pro­blems, but we can deal with one: we will rent you a car that will add splen­dor to your dream pro­ject.

Like from a com­mer­cial

Adver­ti­sing has dif­fe­rent names, and stic­king fly­ers on poles do not always bring the expec­ted effect. We have expe­rience in coope­ra­tion with adver­ti­sing cre­ators. If you alre­ady have a script, but in your head, there is an ideal, but an una­va­ila­ble car for adver­ti­sing – ren­ting will be the best option. Our Austin Healey 3000 BJ8 had a chance to play in a com­mer­cial for LINK4 Insu­rance Com­pany with sin­ger Kasia Moś and The Chance band. In our opi­nion – it played the role very well!

In the rhy­thm of the engine

Some­ti­mes a clas­sic retro car is a back­gro­und for a music video. An exc­lu­sive, beau­ti­fully resto­red vehicle will attract not only the atten­tion of moto­ri­za­tion fans. Per­haps dia­monds are women’s best friends, but a good car is the most effec­tive aph­ro­di­siac. The car for the music video must fit into the ove­rall sce­nery. Maybe a luxu­rious old­ti­mer or a resto­red vin­tage-style car will fit into the style of your video?

Hol­ly­wood star

Films sty­led on old cinema or bygone times requ­ire meti­cu­lous adju­st­ment of the sce­nery – so that no arti­facts of the cur­rent times disturb the image. Of course, you need to make sure that in the back­gro­und there are no cars that came off the pro­duc­tion line later than the action of the film. Ren­ting a car for a movie or TV series is a bud­get-saver and a great conve­nience. Our Mase­rati Ghi­bli looks new after resto­ra­tion in Auto­Ve­tus. Do you think it could star in the TV series „Beverly Hills, 90210”?


It’s not just the music and film indu­stries that turn to vin­tage car ren­tals. With cars like our white and black Jaguar MKIX, the vision of the pho­to­gra­pher and the bride and groom can come true. These stre­am­li­ned lines are yin-yang at their best. On their back­gro­und, the white dress of the bride and the dark suit of the groom will take on a stron­ger sym­bo­lism. Dre­aming of a pri­vate ses­sion with a vin­tage car? Fill in the form and we will arrange a conve­nient date.

Ren­ting instead of buy­ing

You don’t buy an apart­ment in a fore­ign coun­try when you want to stay there for a week, so why would you buy a car for a day? We take great care of our ren­tal cars, so a tra­ined dri­ver always deli­vers them to your loca­tion. Ren­ting a car from Auto­Ve­tus is a guaran­tee for the suc­cess of your event and a per­fect com­ple­ment to the sce­nery.