The deci­sion to walk thro­ugh life toge­ther is not an easy one, but when you have defi­ni­tely made it – it is time to start pre­pa­ring for the big day. If you are just star­ting pre­pa­ra­tions, looking for a wed­ding hall and a pho­to­gra­pher – we recom­mend you our article Wed­ding step by step. Ideas for acces­so­ries that will add splen­dor to the whole event we have col­lec­ted here.

The dress with a veil

A wed­ding is a spe­cial day, which even lit­tle girls dream about. This is when a woman beco­mes the most beau­ti­ful queen of the ball, even if she did not shine at school discos. When cho­osing a wed­ding dress sho­uld be guided by your own taste and figure. Not eve­ry­one will be com­for­ta­ble in the cut of a „mer­maid”, and the dress with a fla­red bot­tom can opti­cally add pounds. It is advi­sa­ble to take your tru­sted friends to the fit­ting room, who will tell you direc­tly about the advan­ta­ges and disadvan­ta­ges of the dress. Nowa­days, the dress does not have to be white – you can bet on various sha­des of ecru or ivory, or a bold color. If you dream of appe­aring that day in fiery red, do not be shy – it’s your cho­ice!

Tra­di­tio­nally bri­des wear a veil, which can be unfa­ste­ned right after the cere­mony or during the games. In some regions, the bride throws the veil, and the bri­desmaid who cat­ches it is to be the next to stand on the wed­ding cake. Some­ti­mes the lucky bri­desmaid rece­ives the cau­ght veil on pro­perty. A sli­gh­tly more com­pli­ca­ted solu­tion is to pur­chase two veils or a two-piece, deta­cha­ble veil. This allows the bride to make an impres­sion in the church by pul­ling a three-foot veil behind her and then com­for­ta­bly fro­lic in the shor­ter ver­sion. The same idea is often applied to dress tra­ins. Do you pre­fer a flower crown or an elaborately pinned up hair? Make an appo­int­ment with your hair­sty­list for a trial hair­do to make sure you feel com­for­ta­ble and that your hair­style will hold all night long.

When cho­osing your shoes, con­si­der the nature of the event and your respon­si­bi­li­ties first. For a for­mal din­ner at a restau­rant, you can afford sky-high sti­let­tos. Are you plan­ning to spend the whole night on the dance floor and enter­ta­ining your guests? Choose pumps with an ankle strap or dance shoes. In any situ­ation, it’s a good idea to have low-soled shoes that you can wear as an emer­gency measure in case of sore legs or cha­fing. Cho­ose shoes that won’t be dispo­sa­ble. If you won’t wear white sti­let­tos every day, bol­dly cho­ose a dif­fe­rent color, for exam­ple, the one you’ve cho­sen as the theme color – in com­bi­na­tion with a long, white dress it can look very modern.

The whole out­fit will be com­ple­ted by makeup and jewelry. The cosme­tics cho­sen on this day sho­uld be long-lasting, so it is worth using the servi­ces of a makeup artist. Well-cho­sen jewelry will add splen­dor. If you opt for large ear­rings, cho­ose a modest nec­klace, and if you want to attract atten­tion to the nec­kline of your dress, a deco­ra­tive nec­klace will help. Match it with a bra­ce­let if you feel com­for­ta­ble in it. Even on your wed­ding day, don’t go over­bo­ard with big acces­so­ries, after all, you don’t want to look like a Chri­st­mas tree. If you are a tra­di­tio­na­list, cho­ose a white or blue gar­ter. Many sto­res offer the option of per­so­na­li­za­tion by the prin­ting or embro­ide­ring your names and date on the gar­ter.

Lord of dre­ams

The offer of out­fits for the groom is get­ting richer. On the wed­ding day, men can bet on seve­ral acces­so­ries that add splen­dor to the sty­ling. The sim­plest cho­ice is a two-piece suit, but even here you can go crazy with colors and textu­res. If you cho­ose sim­ple, mono­ch­ro­ma­tic clo­thes for eve­ry­day life, you are unli­kely to feel com­for­ta­ble in a bri­ght suit with a bold check pat­tern. An alter­na­tive for very ele­gant out­fits is a tuxedo or a tail­coat. Here a mono­ch­ro­ma­tic mate­rial in a dark shade of black, navy blue, or grey will work best. Bol­der sty­les may invo­lve an unu­sual pat­tern or a distinc­tive color. Or maybe you will per­form that day in a mili­tary uni­form?

Altho­ugh the suit is the main part of the groom’s out­fit, it is only the acces­so­ries that fully com­ple­ment it. Usu­ally, the best cho­ice is a snow-white, ele­gant, long-sle­eved shirt, which fits most men’s out­fits. You may cho­ose a vest, but make sure it is made of the same mate­rial as the suit. It will work espe­cially well in the col­der mon­ths. Many people pay atten­tion to the shoes first, so they sho­uld be well cho­sen and poli­shed. Cho­ose an ele­gant cut, not neces­sa­rily in black – you can refer to the theme, smug­gling a bit of color, for exam­ple on the sho­ela­ces.

Bow tie or tie? Match this ele­ment with the rest of your out­fit. A tie looks bet­ter on more stron­gly built men, or if you cho­ose a vest. It’s best to cho­ose a slim, trendy model and make sure it ties nicely. Bow tie suits young, slim bache­lors, and also goes well with suspen­ders. The hand­ker­chief sho­uld match the cho­sen ele­ment, pre­ferably made of the same mate­rial. Your wri­sts can be deco­ra­ted with cuf­flinks or an ele­gant watch. When shop­ping, remem­ber to get a mat­ching belt to hold up your pants and cho­ose com­for­ta­ble socks that match the rest.

Gold rings

One of the most impor­tant cho­ices is your wed­ding rings. After all, by cho­osing them you are assu­ming that they will accom­pany you for a life­time. When brow­sing thro­ugh the offers, the first thing you sho­uld con­si­der is their dura­bi­lity. Take into acco­unt that a higher gold sam­ple means more pre­stige but also the lower hard­ness of the mate­rial. Gold is a rela­ti­vely soft mate­rial, and its con­tent in the alloy is deter­mi­ned in carats. Addi­tions of cop­per or nic­kel incre­ase dura­bi­lity and affect the final color of the alloy. Howe­ver, wed­ding rings do not have to be made of gold. More and more couples are cho­osing other metals and the most popu­lar are tita­nium rings, cove­red with a layer of ano­ther metal or in a defiant black color.

A wed­ding ring can have dif­fe­rent outer and inner pro­fi­les. The inner pro­file will affect the com­fort and fit on the fin­ger, while the outer pro­file will affect the aesthe­tics. Nowa­days it is less com­mon to find a half-round pro­file, and more popu­lar are beve­led rings with a tra­pe­zo­idal cross-sec­tion. Wed­ding rings can also be deco­ra­ted with acces­so­ries, such as sto­nes, zir­cons, or engra­vers, altho­ugh the lat­ter is usu­ally used on the inner side. Don’t suc­cumb to the com­pul­sion that hus­band’s and wife’s wed­ding rings must be the same – often ladies pre­fer more orna­men­ta­tion, while men appre­ciate sim­ple jewelry.


Often when ren­ting a wed­ding hall or restau­rant, you get inte­rior deco­ra­tion service in a pac­kage. Not always taking the service pac­kage will be pro­fi­ta­ble or fol­lo­wing the client’s vision, so you can ask about orga­ni­zing the deco­ra­tion on your own. Cho­ose the style of the wed­ding and make sure that the ele­ments are con­si­stent. A retro wed­ding is asso­cia­ted with gre­ens, browns, and wood, while a gla­mour style cele­bra­tion is a gold, red or pur­ple and lots of light. Remem­ber about deta­ils like flo­wers, bal­lo­ons, the world – they cre­ate a cohe­rent whole. Decide how to distin­gu­ish the wall behind you – it will pro­ba­bly be often immor­ta­li­zed on pho­tos.

Not only the bal­l­room sho­uld deli­ght with decor. Ask if it’s possi­ble to deco­rate the church or the hall where you say your vows. Maybe you can rent a red car­pet? You can also use flo­wers and rib­bons to high­li­ght the car that will take you to the venue. It is worth using the servi­ces of one flo­rist, buy­ing a full pac­kage. Do not for­get about flo­wers for the bride and the wit­nes­ses and flo­wers, which the groom will have on his but­ton­hole. Do not con­fuse the but­ton­hole with the hand­ker­chief pocket! It is worth chec­king in advance how to pro­perly attach a deco­ra­tive flo­wer.

A car for the wed­ding

Whe­ther you live toge­ther or you meet only before the cere­mony – it is worth get­ting to the place of the cere­mony uni­qu­ely. A wed­ding is a per­fect day to ful­fill your dream of a ride in a luxury car. Leather uphol­stery and impec­ca­bly shiny body will give you a chic look alre­ady at the entrance. Nobody buys a car just to drive it once, that is why we come up to your expec­ta­tions. In Auto­Ve­tus vin­tage car ren­tal in Kra­kow, Poland, you can rent a beau­ti­fully resto­red car to suit your bud­get and your dre­ams.

For a wed­ding in sum­mer, we recom­mend a white conver­ti­ble – Cadil­lac Conver­ti­ble. Its beau­ti­ful shape is remi­ni­scent of the pink 70 s, the mad­ness of discos, and color­ful, rich youth. If you opt for ele­gance on that day, a sim­ple dress, and a well-tailo­red tail­coat, cho­ose Jaguar MKIX. The white and black color and the stre­am­li­ned line are asso­cia­ted with balance, yin, and yang, and the mas­sive, ele­gant bum­pers and headli­ghts will deli­ght true car fans.

A real gem in our col­lec­tion is a silver Austin Healey. Its matte body and retro-style wooden inte­rior are uni­que ele­ments that empha­size its excel­lence. Each of the cars ava­ila­ble in Auto­Ve­tus’ offer will be deli­ve­red to you with a chauf­feur, and on requ­est, we can pre­pare a custo­mi­zed deco­ra­tion of the car.

Enve­lope box

Guests who come to the wed­ding feel obli­ged to give the bride and groom a gift or an enve­lope with a cer­tain amo­unt of money to pay for the „plate” and a new start. This is obvious, but also a lit­tle embar­ras­sing at times. Sho­uld I give the enve­lope to the groom or the bride? How to com­ment on the gift and with what words to accept it? This pro­blem will help to solve the enve­lope box. You can dele­gate the best man to take care of it. The box can be pre­pared in the form of a basket, paper, or wooden money box. Think whe­ther you will be able to use it in the future and cho­ose the form that suits you best.


Most of the won­der­ful deco­ra­tions for a wed­ding are cre­ated from paper. This sim­ple mate­rial offers endless possi­bi­li­ties for textu­res, colors, and sty­les. The obvious must-have, without which a lavish wed­ding can­not take place, are the invi­ta­tions for guests. Many couples decide to send an elec­tro­nic ver­sion – such a solu­tion saves time, but it will not be well rece­ived by eve­ry­one. Paper invi­ta­tions can take many forms and sha­pes, and some people leave them as souve­nirs. You can cho­ose from many ready-made desi­gns ava­ila­ble on the mar­ket – it can be an invi­ta­tion-call in the form of a roll with a stamp, a fol­ding box with a laser cut-out, or a sim­ple fol­ded card in an enve­lope, con­ta­ining the most impor­tant infor­ma­tion about the orga­ni­za­tion of the day.
You send out or distri­bute the invi­ta­tions a few weeks before the cere­mony, but it is worth it that the rest of the sta­tio­nery Was con­si­stent with them and dupli­ca­ted the pat­tern used. Among the ideas worth men­tio­ning are vignet­tes for alco­hol, which can be hung aro­und the neck of the bot­tle with a color­ful rib­bon. Such vignet­tes can also become a souve­nir for the guests, so put on them your names and the date of the wed­ding and an enco­ura­ge­ment to have fun. Ano­ther idea of deco­ra­ting the bot­tles is self-adhe­sive labels. You can order ready-made ones or pre­pare a pat­tern your­self to be prin­ted on stic­ker paper. In this way, you can deco­rate bot­tles of store liquor or home­made liqu­eurs.
Some venues offer their menu, which guests can check during the party. You will find times when hot meals are served. Pro­vi­ding guests with a menu helps to plan the party and also makes the buf­fet or sweet table snacks more popu­lar – guests are more likely to reach for a sweet des­sert when they know that the stro­ga­noff is only coming in an hour. If the restau­rant doesn’t offer a prin­ted menu, ask if you can pre­pare one your­self. For lar­ger par­ties where you are plan­ning more than one table, you can sign guests’ seats. We recom­mend pre­pa­ring a list of guests seated at a given table rather than mar­king each place. This avo­ids unne­ces­sary work and the risk that two people who do not like each other will have to spend the eve­ning sit­ting next to each other. A guest list can be pla­ced at the entrance of the venue as well as on the tables – this will help guests remem­ber their names.
Among the paper deco­ra­tions, there are many non-stan­dard ideas. One of them is a board – a direc­tio­nal sign to the bride’s house. Use this idea, if the route from the groom’s house to the cho­sen one’s house allows it. It will ligh­ten the atmo­sphere and bring a sin­cere smile to a stres­sed-out bache­lor. Home­made labels con­si­stent with the cho­sen theme can be used to label even the most mun­dane items, such as a sto­ne­ware pot with pic­kles, a pot with home­made lard, or syrup for drinks. Deco­rate also gifts that you give to your guests – bot­tles of alco­hol or cakes to take away. Your ima­gi­na­tion is the only limit. Paper can also be used to cre­ate a spe­cial car license plate. In Auto­Ve­tus you do not have to worry about it – we deli­ver the car with a ready license plate for the Bri­dal Couple.

A souve­nir from the guests

After the wed­ding, you will be left with enve­lopes, gifts and a film report. If you opt for sen­ti­men­tal souve­nirs stra­ight from the heart, allow the guests to leave infor­ma­tion about how they enjoyed the day or a trace of their pre­sence. You can opt for a clas­sic guest book. A beau­ti­fully bound book or a sim­ple note­book with its own cover will give many people the oppor­tu­nity for cre­ative, heart­felt wishes. When there are chil­dren at the wed­ding, take care of the book’s custo­dian – such a per­son will have con­trol over the keep­sake, and the book will not become a pain­ting for the youn­gest guests. It is worth adding to the book a box with color­ful pens, occa­sio­nal stic­kers, or stamps, thanks to which the entries will become more color­ful and per­sonalized.
What instead of a guest­book? A keep­sake guest­book can take the form of a poster for fin­gerprints or entries. Ano­ther idea is a jar for good tho­ughts, a frame for hearts with signa­tu­res, or a wooden puz­zle to deco­rate. Maybe you are a wine con­no­is­seur and col­lect corks from bot­tles? Guests can sign on them and throw them into a spe­cially pre­pared box. Simi­lar to corks you can use for exam­ple Jenga blocks or smo­oth peb­bles.
An inte­re­sting possi­bi­lity of cre­ating a sen­ti­men­tal souve­nir gives an instant camera. Just buy a sim­ple pola­roid camera and car­trid­ges to print out the pho­tos. Guests can immor­ta­lize their fun, and put signed pho­tos in an album or a spe­cial box.

Gifts for guests

You’ve rece­ived per­sonalized gifts from your guests, but you pro­ba­bly also want to repay them. A com­me­mo­ra­tive gift for each guest is a good idea. You can give your guests souve­nir bot­tles of alco­hol or cake when you say good­bye at the end of the party, which eve­ry­one will be happy to reach for when they’re hun­go­ver the next day. In this case, there is a risk that you will miss some guests, or that the party will end une­xpec­te­dly for some. A sim­ple solu­tion is to pre­pare a small gift next to the plate, such gifts the guests will open after ente­ring the hall and taking their seats.
The gift can be even 2–3 can­dies in per­sonalized papers with the prin­ting of your name, wed­ding date, and theme. Swe­ets can be hid­den in small paper boxes. Other inte­re­sting ideas inc­lude a fridge magnet, a per­sonalized bot­tle ope­ner, or a wooden key ring. A more ori­gi­nal idea is a for­tune cookie, a tiny jar of honey, or a soy can­dle.

Emer­gency baskets

Wed­ding fun until the mor­ning may invo­lve une­xpec­ted acci­dents, which you are not able to pre­dict. To keep an eye on the pulse you can use the pre­pared rescue baskets. Thanks to this solu­tion your guests will feel cared for and will not have to inter­rupt your party for mun­dane reasons. It is best to place the basket in the toilet, out of reach of chil­dren. Baskets for men and women will dif­fer. It’s worth let­ting go of such things as uni­ver­sal tights or socks – buy­ing them would be expen­sive and you would have to pre­pare seve­ral pie­ces in dif­fe­rent sha­des and sizes. Below we pre­sent our sug­ge­stions. Of course, the list below is just sug­ge­stions, and the cho­ice is yours.
Women’s emer­gency basket: pads, tam­pons, sani­tary pads, wet wipes, sewing kit, clear nail polish (for panty repair), mat­ti­fy­ing tis­sue, makeup remo­ver wipes, sani­tary pads, makeup remo­ver, trans­pa­rent powder, hair­spray, dry sham­poo, scen­ted mist, file, twe­ezers, hair­pins, hair ela­stics, clear bra straps.
Men’s emer­gency basket: hair gel, clear shoe polish, con­doms, laces.
For both emer­gency baskets: pills for heada­ches, lozen­ges for heart­burn and indi­ge­stion, pla­sters, hydro­gen pero­xide, a pac­ket of tis­sues, che­wing gum, mints, den­tal floss, tooth­picks, deodo­rant (defi­ni­tely spray!), per­fume minia­tu­res, mouth­wash, lip spray, pla­stic comb, eye drops, hand cream, clo­thes peeling roll, safety pins, scis­sors, cot­ton buds, wipes for cle­aning glas­ses, stain remo­ver in mar­ker.
You can also add to the set, for exam­ple, a phone char­ger. Cer­ta­inly a well-cho­sen „emer­gency basket”, „kit basket” or „S O. S cor­ner” will save many people from tro­uble and leave a nice impres­sion.

Have fun!

After care­fully going thro­ugh the list and imple­men­ting it point by point, you can be sure that nothing will sur­prise you. A wed­ding is a spe­cial time, and most often it is the bride and groom who have a bad time at their cele­bra­tion, pre­oc­cu­pied with fixing unfo­re­seen mishaps. Do not let this hap­pen and pre­pare in advance for all the sur­prises. Or would you add some­thing to this list? Share your ideas in the com­ments!