The decision to walk through life together is not an easy one, but when you have definitely made it – it is time to start preparing for the big day. If you are just starting preparations, looking for a wedding hall and a photographer – we recommend you our article Wedding step by step. Ideas for accessories that will add splendor to the whole event we have collected here.
The dress with a veil
A wedding is a special day, which even little girls dream about. This is when a woman becomes the most beautiful queen of the ball, even if she did not shine at school discos. When choosing a wedding dress should be guided by your own taste and figure. Not everyone will be comfortable in the cut of a „mermaid”, and the dress with a flared bottom can optically add pounds. It is advisable to take your trusted friends to the fitting room, who will tell you directly about the advantages and disadvantages of the dress. Nowadays, the dress does not have to be white – you can bet on various shades of ecru or ivory, or a bold color. If you dream of appearing that day in fiery red, do not be shy – it’s your choice!
Traditionally brides wear a veil, which can be unfastened right after the ceremony or during the games. In some regions, the bride throws the veil, and the bridesmaid who catches it is to be the next to stand on the wedding cake. Sometimes the lucky bridesmaid receives the caught veil on property. A slightly more complicated solution is to purchase two veils or a two-piece, detachable veil. This allows the bride to make an impression in the church by pulling a three-foot veil behind her and then comfortably frolic in the shorter version. The same idea is often applied to dress trains. Do you prefer a flower crown or an elaborately pinned up hair? Make an appointment with your hairstylist for a trial hairdo to make sure you feel comfortable and that your hairstyle will hold all night long.
When choosing your shoes, consider the nature of the event and your responsibilities first. For a formal dinner at a restaurant, you can afford sky-high stilettos. Are you planning to spend the whole night on the dance floor and entertaining your guests? Choose pumps with an ankle strap or dance shoes. In any situation, it’s a good idea to have low-soled shoes that you can wear as an emergency measure in case of sore legs or chafing. Choose shoes that won’t be disposable. If you won’t wear white stilettos every day, boldly choose a different color, for example, the one you’ve chosen as the theme color – in combination with a long, white dress it can look very modern.
The whole outfit will be completed by makeup and jewelry. The cosmetics chosen on this day should be long-lasting, so it is worth using the services of a makeup artist. Well-chosen jewelry will add splendor. If you opt for large earrings, choose a modest necklace, and if you want to attract attention to the neckline of your dress, a decorative necklace will help. Match it with a bracelet if you feel comfortable in it. Even on your wedding day, don’t go overboard with big accessories, after all, you don’t want to look like a Christmas tree. If you are a traditionalist, choose a white or blue garter. Many stores offer the option of personalization by the printing or embroidering your names and date on the garter.
Lord of dreams
The offer of outfits for the groom is getting richer. On the wedding day, men can bet on several accessories that add splendor to the styling. The simplest choice is a two-piece suit, but even here you can go crazy with colors and textures. If you choose simple, monochromatic clothes for everyday life, you are unlikely to feel comfortable in a bright suit with a bold check pattern. An alternative for very elegant outfits is a tuxedo or a tailcoat. Here a monochromatic material in a dark shade of black, navy blue, or grey will work best. Bolder styles may involve an unusual pattern or a distinctive color. Or maybe you will perform that day in a military uniform?
Although the suit is the main part of the groom’s outfit, it is only the accessories that fully complement it. Usually, the best choice is a snow-white, elegant, long-sleeved shirt, which fits most men’s outfits. You may choose a vest, but make sure it is made of the same material as the suit. It will work especially well in the colder months. Many people pay attention to the shoes first, so they should be well chosen and polished. Choose an elegant cut, not necessarily in black – you can refer to the theme, smuggling a bit of color, for example on the shoelaces.
Bow tie or tie? Match this element with the rest of your outfit. A tie looks better on more strongly built men, or if you choose a vest. It’s best to choose a slim, trendy model and make sure it ties nicely. Bow tie suits young, slim bachelors, and also goes well with suspenders. The handkerchief should match the chosen element, preferably made of the same material. Your wrists can be decorated with cufflinks or an elegant watch. When shopping, remember to get a matching belt to hold up your pants and choose comfortable socks that match the rest.
Gold rings
One of the most important choices is your wedding rings. After all, by choosing them you are assuming that they will accompany you for a lifetime. When browsing through the offers, the first thing you should consider is their durability. Take into account that a higher gold sample means more prestige but also the lower hardness of the material. Gold is a relatively soft material, and its content in the alloy is determined in carats. Additions of copper or nickel increase durability and affect the final color of the alloy. However, wedding rings do not have to be made of gold. More and more couples are choosing other metals and the most popular are titanium rings, covered with a layer of another metal or in a defiant black color.
A wedding ring can have different outer and inner profiles. The inner profile will affect the comfort and fit on the finger, while the outer profile will affect the aesthetics. Nowadays it is less common to find a half-round profile, and more popular are beveled rings with a trapezoidal cross-section. Wedding rings can also be decorated with accessories, such as stones, zircons, or engravers, although the latter is usually used on the inner side. Don’t succumb to the compulsion that husband’s and wife’s wedding rings must be the same – often ladies prefer more ornamentation, while men appreciate simple jewelry.
Often when renting a wedding hall or restaurant, you get interior decoration service in a package. Not always taking the service package will be profitable or following the client’s vision, so you can ask about organizing the decoration on your own. Choose the style of the wedding and make sure that the elements are consistent. A retro wedding is associated with greens, browns, and wood, while a glamour style celebration is a gold, red or purple and lots of light. Remember about details like flowers, balloons, the world – they create a coherent whole. Decide how to distinguish the wall behind you – it will probably be often immortalized on photos.
Not only the ballroom should delight with decor. Ask if it’s possible to decorate the church or the hall where you say your vows. Maybe you can rent a red carpet? You can also use flowers and ribbons to highlight the car that will take you to the venue. It is worth using the services of one florist, buying a full package. Do not forget about flowers for the bride and the witnesses and flowers, which the groom will have on his buttonhole. Do not confuse the buttonhole with the handkerchief pocket! It is worth checking in advance how to properly attach a decorative flower.
A car for the wedding
Whether you live together or you meet only before the ceremony – it is worth getting to the place of the ceremony uniquely. A wedding is a perfect day to fulfill your dream of a ride in a luxury car. Leather upholstery and impeccably shiny body will give you a chic look already at the entrance. Nobody buys a car just to drive it once, that is why we come up to your expectations. In AutoVetus vintage car rental in Krakow, Poland, you can rent a beautifully restored car to suit your budget and your dreams.
For a wedding in summer, we recommend a white convertible – Cadillac Convertible. Its beautiful shape is reminiscent of the pink 70 s, the madness of discos, and colorful, rich youth. If you opt for elegance on that day, a simple dress, and a well-tailored tailcoat, choose Jaguar MKIX. The white and black color and the streamlined line are associated with balance, yin, and yang, and the massive, elegant bumpers and headlights will delight true car fans.
A real gem in our collection is a silver Austin Healey. Its matte body and retro-style wooden interior are unique elements that emphasize its excellence. Each of the cars available in AutoVetus’ offer will be delivered to you with a chauffeur, and on request, we can prepare a customized decoration of the car.

Envelope box
Guests who come to the wedding feel obliged to give the bride and groom a gift or an envelope with a certain amount of money to pay for the „plate” and a new start. This is obvious, but also a little embarrassing at times. Should I give the envelope to the groom or the bride? How to comment on the gift and with what words to accept it? This problem will help to solve the envelope box. You can delegate the best man to take care of it. The box can be prepared in the form of a basket, paper, or wooden money box. Think whether you will be able to use it in the future and choose the form that suits you best.
Most of the wonderful decorations for a wedding are created from paper. This simple material offers endless possibilities for textures, colors, and styles. The obvious must-have, without which a lavish wedding cannot take place, are the invitations for guests. Many couples decide to send an electronic version – such a solution saves time, but it will not be well received by everyone. Paper invitations can take many forms and shapes, and some people leave them as souvenirs. You can choose from many ready-made designs available on the market – it can be an invitation-call in the form of a roll with a stamp, a folding box with a laser cut-out, or a simple folded card in an envelope, containing the most important information about the organization of the day.
You send out or distribute the invitations a few weeks before the ceremony, but it is worth it that the rest of the stationery Was consistent with them and duplicated the pattern used. Among the ideas worth mentioning are vignettes for alcohol, which can be hung around the neck of the bottle with a colorful ribbon. Such vignettes can also become a souvenir for the guests, so put on them your names and the date of the wedding and an encouragement to have fun. Another idea of decorating the bottles is self-adhesive labels. You can order ready-made ones or prepare a pattern yourself to be printed on sticker paper. In this way, you can decorate bottles of store liquor or homemade liqueurs.
Some venues offer their menu, which guests can check during the party. You will find times when hot meals are served. Providing guests with a menu helps to plan the party and also makes the buffet or sweet table snacks more popular – guests are more likely to reach for a sweet dessert when they know that the stroganoff is only coming in an hour. If the restaurant doesn’t offer a printed menu, ask if you can prepare one yourself. For larger parties where you are planning more than one table, you can sign guests’ seats. We recommend preparing a list of guests seated at a given table rather than marking each place. This avoids unnecessary work and the risk that two people who do not like each other will have to spend the evening sitting next to each other. A guest list can be placed at the entrance of the venue as well as on the tables – this will help guests remember their names.
Among the paper decorations, there are many non-standard ideas. One of them is a board – a
directional sign to the bride’s house. Use this idea, if the route from the groom’s house to the chosen one’s house allows it. It will lighten the atmosphere and bring a sincere smile to a stressed-out bachelor. Homemade
labels consistent with the chosen theme can be used to label even the most mundane items, such as a stoneware pot with pickles, a pot with homemade lard, or syrup for drinks. Decorate also gifts that you give to your guests – bottles of alcohol or cakes to take away. Your imagination is the only limit. Paper can also be used to create a special
car license plate. In
AutoVetus you do not have to worry about it – we deliver the car with a ready license plate for the Bridal Couple.
A souvenir from the guests
After the wedding, you will be left with envelopes, gifts and a film report. If you opt for sentimental souvenirs straight from the heart, allow the guests to leave information about how they enjoyed the day or a trace of their presence. You can opt for a classic guest book. A beautifully bound book or a simple notebook with its own cover will give many people the opportunity for creative, heartfelt wishes. When there are children at the wedding, take care of the book’s custodian – such a person will have control over the keepsake, and the book will not become a painting for the youngest guests. It is worth adding to the book a box with colorful pens, occasional stickers, or stamps, thanks to which the entries will become more colorful and personalized.
What instead of a guestbook? A keepsake guestbook can take the form of a poster for fingerprints or entries. Another idea is a jar for good thoughts, a frame for hearts with signatures, or a wooden puzzle to decorate. Maybe you are a wine connoisseur and collect corks from bottles? Guests can sign on them and throw them into a specially prepared box. Similar to corks you can use for example Jenga blocks or smooth pebbles.
An interesting possibility of creating a sentimental souvenir gives an instant camera. Just buy a simple polaroid camera and cartridges to print out the photos. Guests can immortalize their fun, and put signed photos in an album or a special box.
Gifts for guests
You’ve received personalized gifts from your guests, but you probably also want to repay them. A commemorative gift for each guest is a good idea. You can give your guests souvenir bottles of alcohol or cake when you say goodbye at the end of the party, which everyone will be happy to reach for when they’re hungover the next day. In this case, there is a risk that you will miss some guests, or that the party will end unexpectedly for some. A simple solution is to prepare a small gift next to the plate, such gifts the guests will open after entering the hall and taking their seats.
The gift can be even 2–3 candies in personalized papers with the printing of your name, wedding date, and theme. Sweets can be hidden in small paper boxes. Other interesting ideas include a fridge magnet, a personalized bottle opener, or a wooden key ring. A more original idea is a fortune cookie, a tiny jar of honey, or a soy candle.
Emergency baskets
Wedding fun until the morning may involve unexpected accidents, which you are not able to predict. To keep an eye on the pulse you can use the prepared rescue baskets. Thanks to this solution your guests will feel cared for and will not have to interrupt your party for mundane reasons. It is best to place the basket in the toilet, out of reach of children. Baskets for men and women will differ. It’s worth letting go of such things as universal tights or socks – buying them would be expensive and you would have to prepare several pieces in different shades and sizes. Below we present our suggestions. Of course, the list below is just suggestions, and the choice is yours.
Women’s emergency basket: pads, tampons, sanitary pads, wet wipes, sewing kit, clear nail polish (for panty repair), mattifying tissue, makeup remover wipes, sanitary pads, makeup remover, transparent powder, hairspray, dry shampoo, scented mist, file, tweezers, hairpins, hair elastics, clear bra straps.
Men’s emergency basket: hair gel, clear shoe polish, condoms, laces.
For both emergency baskets: pills for headaches, lozenges for heartburn and indigestion, plasters, hydrogen peroxide, a packet of tissues, chewing gum, mints, dental floss, toothpicks, deodorant (definitely spray!), perfume miniatures, mouthwash, lip spray, plastic comb, eye drops, hand cream, clothes peeling roll, safety pins, scissors, cotton buds, wipes for cleaning glasses, stain remover in marker.
You can also add to the set, for example, a phone charger. Certainly a well-chosen „emergency basket”, „kit basket” or „S O. S corner” will save many people from trouble and leave a nice impression.
Have fun!
After carefully going through the list and implementing it point by point, you can be sure that nothing will surprise you. A wedding is a special time, and most often it is the bride and groom who have a bad time at their celebration, preoccupied with fixing unforeseen mishaps. Do not let this happen and prepare in advance for all the surprises. Or would you add something to this list? Share your ideas in the comments!